Additional support for Chapter 3 topics


3-1 Exponents and order of operations - notes & (did u kno in the UK, kids say "BODMAS"?), quiz

3-2 Scientific Notation - practice - discovered by Jennifer R , more practice - discovered by Becca W

3-3 Divisibility tests - from this collection, comes a game about factors, mutliples & primes

3-4 Prime factorization - free Brain Pop movie, short quiz

3-5, 3-6, 3-8 Fractions


equivalent fraction

Potion Game (equivalent fractions - pretty simple until round 3) - discovered by Kayla K

Fraction Frenzy (equivalent Fractions)- discovered by Matt A

Math Splat - operations with fractions (pretty easy until upper levels) - discovered by Brett S

  Renaming mixed numbers as improper fractions - discovered by Willy S.

Decimal and fraction equivalents


3-7 (skip for now)